March Events in Oldham County
Who’s ready for Spring? We are! We are! March events are a great way to enjoy the approaching warmer season and to look forward to more ways to enjoy our community.

Make sure you take advantage of getting out as a family and enjoying some of the many March events!
FREE! Programs at the Oldham County Public Library. Check out their schedule for programs for all ages at their 3 branch locations.
FREE! LaGrange Railroad Museum is open to visitors. Check their website for updated information.
FREE! Ernie’s Engines on Tuesdays at the LaGrange Railroad Museum, 10-11am
Power & Grace Gymnastics in Prospect Open Gym. Check their website for updated information.
All About Kids in Crestwood Open Gym & Swim. Check their website for updated information.
Bounce Back Gymnastics in LaGrange Open Gym. Check out their website for dates & times.
Movies at Sauerback Family Drive-in in LaGrange. Check their website for movie times.
Everyone Can Paint in LaGrange. Check their Facebook page for class information.
AR Workshop Prospect has projects all month long for all ages!
FREE! Nature Center at Creasey Mahan Nature Preserve in Goshen is open! Check out their website for updated hours. (Donations appreciated.)
FREE! Winter Hours at Yew Dell Botanical Gardens in Crestwood until March 30th. Free admission Tuesday-Friday 10am-4pm (Donations appreciated.)
March Events
3/1: FREE! Countdown to Kindergarten Story Times at Crestwood Elementary School, 10am-11am
3/2: FREE! 2024 Tree Giveaway at the Oldham County History Center in LaGrange, 9am
3/2: Winter Soundwalk at Creasey Mahan Nature Preserve in Goshen, 10am-12pm
3/4: Music Bingo at Ernesto’s Mexican Restaurant in LaGrange, 7pm
3/5: FREE! Art Starts at Gallery 104 in LaGrange, 11:15am-12pm
3/7-9: Kids Musical: Seussical, Kids at the Oldham County Schools Arts Center in Crestwood, 7pm
3/8: FREE! Countdown to Kindergarten Story Times at Crestwood Elementary School, 10am-11am
3/8-9: Kid’s Kloset Spring Consignment Sale at Saint John UMC in Prospect. Friday: 9am-7pm and Saturday (1/2 price day): 9am-1pm
3/9: “Chase the Rainbow” South Oldham Rotary Scavenger Hunt, 2pm
3/9: FREE! Glow-in-the-dark Easter Egg Hunt with LaGrange Presbyterian Church, 6pm
3/12: FREE! Art Starts at Gallery 104 in LaGrange, 11:15am-12pm
3/15: Friday Fun Day: Garden Totems at the Oldham County Cooperative Extension Office in LaGrange, 10am.
3/15: FREE! Skate Night at the LaGrange Community Center, 7pm
3/16: Pancake Breakfast Student Camp Fundraiser at Ballardsville Baptist Church in Crestwood, 7:30am-10:30am
3/16: Winter Blooms at Creasey Mahan Nature Preserve in Goshen, 10am-12pm
3/16: St. Patrick’s Day Celebration at 3rd Turn Oldham Gardens in Crestwood, 2pm
3/16: “Who did it” Mystery Theater Dinner at the John W. Black Community Center in LaGrange (Buckner area), 6:30pm
3/17: Spring Paint Class at the John W. Black Community Center in LaGrange (Buckner area), 2-5pm
3/18: FREE! Laugh & Learn with the Oldham County Cooperative Extension Office at Centerfield Elementary School, 10am
3/19: FREE! Laugh & Learn with the Oldham County Cooperative Extension Office at Crestwood Elementary School, 10am
3/19: FREE! Art Starts at Gallery 104 in LaGrange, 11:15am-12pm
3/19: FREE! Celebrate the start of Spring with Free Cone Day at Dairy Queen! Please call your local DQ to confirm if they’re participating.
3/21-23: Jr. Play: The Absolutely True Story of King Arthur at the Oldham County Schools Arts Center in Crestwood, 7pm
3/22: FREE! Countdown to Kindergarten Story Times at Crestwood Elementary School, 10am-11am
3/23: Easter Ceramics Workshop at the Oldham County Schools Arts Center in Crestwood, 10am-12pm
3/23: FREE! Easter Egg Hunt at The Maples Park with Crestwood United Methodist Church, 12pm and 1:30pm
3/25: FREE! Hunt for the Golden Egg with LaGrange Parks & Rec at the Eddie Mundo Jr. Park in LaGrange. Egg will be ready by 8am.
3/26: FREE! Hunt for the Golden Egg with LaGrange Parks & Rec at Wilborn Park in LaGrange. Egg will be ready by 8am.
3/27: FREE! Hunt for the Golden Egg with LaGrange Parks & Rec at Walsh Park in LaGrange. Egg will be ready by 8am.
3/28: FREE! Hunt for the Golden Egg with LaGrange Parks & Rec at Springs Park in LaGrange. Egg will be ready by 8am.
3/30: Opening Day at Yew Dell Botanical Gardens in Crestwood, 10am-4pm
3/30: Main Street Derby in Downtown LaGrange, 11am-4pm
3/30: FREE! Easter Egg Hunt at Salt & Light Baptist Church in LaGrange, 3:00-4:30pm
3/31: FREE! 3,000 Easter Egg Hunt at Phos Community Church in Crestwood, 12:15pm