Disc Golf at Wendell Moore Park
The disc golf courses are open! Have you checked out the Wendell Moore Park course?
Here’s our experience from a few years back. This is a great way to enjoy some time outdoors, have a try at a new sport and get some exercise in.
None of us had tried the sport before, so we asked our experienced friends to come along too. Our families met near the football field at the first hole and were soon on our way!
Here are a few things we think beginners should know before heading to the Wendell Moore course:
1. You have to bring your own discs. We were so inexperienced, that we didn’t realize that there are actual discs (similar to a Frisbee) for this sport. We purchased 3 from Academy Sports for around $10. The discs are marked for different ranges (similar to golf clubs). You should also be prepared to maybe lose a disc or two when you’re first learning how to properly throw them.
2. There is a lot of walking. Most of the time, you can see the target from where you start your first throw, but you should be prepared to walk a lot. The Wendell Moore course has 18 holes so it’s quite spread out. Each hole has a sign with a description of where the target is located and how far away it is. These were helpful when we couldn’t actually see the target from the tee. You can find a map and description of the course on this website HERE.
3. Be prepared to encounter a variety of terrain changes. Hole 1 will seem like a breeze, but be prepared for an intense and difficult course – especially if you are new to the sport. Expect to walk and throw up steep hills and over creeks. Some of the targets are positioned between and around trees. The course is surrounded by trees and tall weeds, so you might lose a disc or two. Just make sure you keep an eye on where the disc lands so you can find it. It’s also best to keep an eye out for poison ivy. We saw quite a bit during our game.
4. Bring some water along and use the restroom before you begin. The course is set away from the playground and Aquatic Center so water fountains and restrooms are not nearby. (These facilities also might be closed currently due to COVID-19.)
5. It’s a lot of fun! Because most of us were inexperienced and we were including our kids in the fun, we decided to do a scramble type game. This is where everyone on the team throws a disc and the closest disc is where you start your next throw. The kids had a blast having a try at disc golf! We didn’t really keep track of our scores, but you can if you really want to be competitive. Scores are kept similar to
golf, where the fewest number of throws is best. We love that the course allowed us to see areas of Wendell Moore Park that we hadn’t explored before. A lot of the course runs along the bike and walking path and some targets are near the lake too.
Check out the course with your family!