Shine Music Together in Oldham County!

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The award-winning, internationally recognized Music Together classes are now offered in Oldham County! Shine is thrilled to offer its amazing Music Together program at the John W Black Community Center in LaGrange on Wednesdays at 10am beginning October 5th. 

Join us for a FREE DEMO CLASS on Wednesday, September 28th at 10am.

Music Together is a research-based early childhood music and movement program that is designed to help bring your child to what we call Basic Music Competence – the ability to sing in tune, to keep an accurate beat and to enjoy the music of our culture in whatever way your child chooses!

The program is based on the belief that all children are musical and gain their musical skills the same way they learn all life skills – through the model of their primary caregivers and through PLAY!  Classes are 45 minutes in length and create a superfun musical community that provides a smorgasbord of musical “vitamins” that each child experiences in their own developmentally appropriate way.  We offer three 10-week semesters during the school year and a shorter summer session to ensure that through repeated exposure, children can learn experientially in class and then “practice” what they learn at home.

You can find more information about Music Together on our website
Maria Whitley

Facebook Event for FREE Demo Class on September 28th HERE.

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